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7 Steps to Fall in Love with Praying Scripture

Katie Hartfiel

“I’d like to pray with the Scriptures, but I don’t know where to start.”

Sound familiar?

In my own life, I tried a lot of things: starting from the beginning, picking one book at a time, opening to a random passage (commonly referred to as “Bible Roulette”), but nothing seemed to stick. I knew that this was God’s love letter to me, and I didn’t want to miss out, but I couldn’t seem to find a method that really spoke to me.

Can you relate?

Below are the steps that have really helped me dive into the Lord’s Word. I have been so blessed through the way that He has not only spoken to me, but given me His Words to pray for others… which by the way are always better than my own!

1. Pick a specific time for prayer.

For me it’s my kid’s naptime (Which, btw, is super hard for me to give up- which is how I knew that the Lord wanted me to put Him first during this time!). I dedicate my first 12 minutes of naptime (10%) to the Lord through prayer. I set my timer and almost always find myself going over.

2. Share silence with God

For the first few minutes just be still. Sharing silence with God is much less intimidating than feeling like I have to fill in the awkwardness. Rather, I recognize His presence and relish in it. Just like I am able to do with my husband- we don’t always have to talk, and often we don’t feel the need to. Being together is enough.

3. Turn on the ipad/iphone etc.

Say what?! That sounds like a terrible idea! Stick with me. I look to Google and type in whatever need I have that day. For example, I might type:

Er, um... actually:

Here are some of my favorites:

Scriptures for...


  • Praising God

  • Strength

  • Thanksgiving

  • Joy

  • Forgiveness

  • Anxiety

My Husband:

  • Protection

  • Trust

  • Against Distraction

  • Leadership

  • Heart

  • Purity

  • Mind


  • Love of the Lord

  • Joy

  • Protection

  • Obedience

  • Faith

  • Purity

The list goes on and on!

4. Turn off said ipad/iphone/whatever.

Hide it in a couch cushion, put it on airplane mode, or do something drastic if you have to. Whatever you do, don’t let the outside world distract you. This is your time with the Lord; your notifications can wait for once.

5. Check out the real deal

Once I find the verse, I look it up in my favorite translation. The digital world is great and all, but there is something very hearty about having the tangible Word of God in your hands. Plus, I like to see what my Catholic Version has to say!

6. Grab your handy dandy notebook

Now for my favorite part. I write the verse down in my journal (which is just a spiral from the Dollar Store… I’m a high roller. I have a three-subject one with a section for each member of my family plus a one subject for general prayers/prayers for myself). I am very much a hands on learner. So I love copying down the Scripture verse and concentrating on every word as it makes its way onto my page. This really helps me slow down and chew on the words without being distracted.

As for my second favorite part, I like to journal on the Scripture I just wrote. Again, this really helps me to keep from thinking about other things as I put my heart onto paper. It is so amazing to claim God’s Word for specific areas of my life or those who I love. It gives me so much confidence in my prayer when I am asking for God to simply keep His promises. I feel like I can tell Him, “Well… technically… YOU said that… not me.”

Here is an example of one of my prayers:

“Father of the fatherless, defender of widows- this is the God whose abode is holy. Who gives a home to the forsaken, who leads prisoners out to prosperity, while rebels live in the desert.”

-Psalm 68:6-7


You have spoken this truth into my life. You have been my Father to the fatherless, given a home to the forsaken and lead this prisoner to prosperity. When I felt unwanted, you loved me without condition. When I was lost and felt abandoned, you were my home. When I was imprisoned by fear, brokenness and bitterness, you set me free. Lord, help my unbelief. In the moments I forget who You are… breath truth into my heart. Make yourself known to me. Increase my faith. Thank you for loving me when it doesn’t make sense. I love you Lord, Amen

7. Peace Out

When your timer goes off, finish up with a simple prayer of thanksgiving and ask God to remain present as He brings His peace for the remainder of your day.

Give it a try, and let God speak. I promise He will… actually…technically… HE said that… not me…

“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”

-Heb 4:12

Allow His Word penetrate your heart, and let Him do the rest!

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